Monday, June 9, 2008

where the money is!! lets do सोमेथिंग थिंकिंग - Jose

Ok fellas,so the price of oil,gold,aluminium,platinum,copper (all metals in general),grains,cereals,etc,etc (read commodities) have gone up and continue going up. So these companies are making a lot of turnover and hopefully huge profits.

Now my questions is,do they spend? if they do,what do they buy and where do they buy? because wherever they will spend that money is guaranteed to make capital gains as well,and that my dear brothers and sisters is where money is going to be in the very near future....we need to identify those places and invest there!

Example..take the booming construction / infrustruture sector in kenya (east africa). Construction companies will be smiling all the way to the bank.....but are these really the big players in the game? the answer is NO. the big boys is where these jamaas buy materials and equipments from,eg. ARM. So ARM is a nice buy and will be for some time. But is cemment the only material / equipment? so who supplies tar? does anyone make fertilizers locally? many many questions here to be answered..bring them up plz!

Think,think,think,think....the key is commodities and you do not have to own them!! who services their operations or supplies materials?

The ball is in your court

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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Bsc. Software Engineering